陈国璋,jbo竞博体育官方网站助理教授,国家级海外高水平人才计划入选者。分别于2013年、2016年自电子科技大学获学士、硕士学位,于2020年自悉尼大学获得博士学位。2021-2023年在格拉茨科技大学Wolfgang Maass(类脑计算创始人)组从事博士后研究。主要研究方向为大脑计算原理、类脑计算。多次在顶级期刊Nature communications,Science Advances等发表论文。
Chen, Guozhang, Franz Scherr, and Wolfgang Maass. “A data-based large-scale model for primary visual cortex enables brain-like robust and versatile visual processing.” Science Advances 8.44 (2022): eabq7592.
Chen, Guozhang, and Pulin Gong. “A spatiotemporal mechanism of visual attention: Superdiffusive motion and theta oscillations of neural population activity patterns.” Science Advances 8.16 (2022): eabl4995.
Chen, Guozhang, Cheng Kevin Qu, and Pulin Gong. “Anomalous diffusion dynamics of learning in deep neural networks.” Neural Networks 149 (2022): 18-28.
Chen, Guozhang, and Pulin Gong. “Computing by modulating spontaneous cortical activity patterns as a mechanism of active visual processing.” Nature communications 10.1 (2019): 4915.